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社会科学学院 & 教育




周一至周五,上午8:30.m. – 5:00 p.m.


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Dr. 雪莉杰克逊

Dr. 雪莉杰克逊

Interim Provost 和 Senior Vice President


电子邮件地址  sjackso@hkange.net
电话号码  (904) 256-7212
简历或简历  简历
办公室的位置  霍华德的建筑

Professor 雪莉杰克逊 has been a member of the Psychology Department at Jacksonville University for the past 35 years, joining the JU family in 1988. 她收到了 M.S. 和Ph值.D. 来自佛罗里达大学. Dr. 杰克逊是阿尔法的一员 Chi Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Psi Chi 国际 Honor Society, 和 the Omicron Delta Kappa Honorary Leadership Society.

During her tenure at JU, she has won numerous faculty awards, including Professor of the Year (2004), University Woman of the Year (2005), University Award for Excellence in Scholarship 和 Professional Activity (2003), University Award for Excellence in University Service (2004) 和 (2016), University Award for Excellence in Teaching (2009), University Institutional Advancement Award (2008), 和 the 社会科学s 杰出服务奖(2009). Dr. Jackson was a finalist for a prestigious Jacksonville EVE award in 2013 和 a recipient of Jacksonville Business Journal's Women of Influence 2018年获奖情况.

Her service contributions to JU are numerous, but most significantly, she has served as Chair of the 教师, 2002-2005 和 2015-2017, Vice-Chair of the 教师, 2007-2009, Interim Dean of the Linda Berry Stein College of Fine Arts & 人文学科,2014 - 2015, Chair of the 社会科学学院 & 教育, 2010-2018, Vice-Provost, 2018-2023, 和 Interim Provost 和 Senior Vice President of 学术事务 beginning in June 2023.

She is the author of five textbooks that have been adopted at colleges 和 universities 〇国内和国际研究方法 和 Statistics: A Critical Thinking 方法现在已经是第五版了 Statistics: Plain 和 Simple now in its fourth edition, 研究方法: A Modular 方法 在第三版中, A Concise Guide to Statistical Analyses Using Excel, SPSS, 和 the Ti84 Calculator, 心理学:简明导论,  sixth edition, co-authored with Richard Griggs. 她编辑或撰写了四篇文章 teaching resource books, 16 textbook supplements, 和 numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, including 19 in the Teaching of Psychology.

Her current research interest is the teaching of psychology, especially the introductory, research methods, 和 statistics courses.


  • Ph.D., Psychology, University of Florida (1988)
  • M.S., Psychology, University of Florida (1986)
  • B.A, Psychology, North Adams State College (now Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts) (1984)


  • 思考和推理
  • 心理学教学
  • 教材研究


  • 心理学入门(PSYC 201)
  • Quantitative Methods (Statistics) (PSYC 211)
  • 研究方法 & 一级统计学(PSYC 311)
  • 研究方法 & 二级统计(PSYC 411WI)

  • Jacksonville Business Journal Women of Influence Award, 2018
  • 杰克逊维尔大学 Award for Excellence in University Service, 2016
  • EVE Award Finalist in 教育 Category, 2013
  • 杰克逊维尔大学 Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2009
  • 杰克逊维尔大学 Institutional Advancement Award, 2008
  • 杰克逊维尔大学 Woman of the Year, 2005
  • 杰克逊维尔大学 Professor of the Year, 2004
  • 杰克逊维尔大学 Award for Excellence in University Service, 2004
  • 杰克逊维尔大学 Award for Excellence in Scholarship 和 Professional Activity, 2003



Griggs R.A. & 杰克逊,年代.L. (2019). 心理学简介. 6日艾德.,麦克米伦学习.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2017). 简单明了的统计学第4届. 贝尔蒙特,CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2014). 简单明了的统计学第三版. 贝尔蒙特,CA: Cengage/Wadsworth

杰克逊,年代.L. (2010). 简单明了的统计学第二届. 贝尔蒙特,CA: Cengage/Wadsworth

杰克逊,年代.L. (2005). 简单明了的统计学, 贝尔蒙特,加州:华兹华斯出版社.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2016). 研究方法 和 Statistics: A Critical Thinking 方法第5版. 贝尔蒙特,CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2012). 研究方法 和 Statistics: A Critical Thinking 方法第4届. 贝尔蒙特,CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2009). 研究方法 和 Statistics: A Critical Thinking 方法第三版. 贝尔蒙特,CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2006). 研究方法 和 Statistics: A Critical Thinking 方法第二届. 贝尔蒙特,加州:沃兹沃思.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2003). 研究方法 和 Statistics: A Critical Thinking 方法, 贝尔蒙特,加州:沃兹沃思.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2015). 研究方法: A Modular 方法第三版. 贝尔蒙特,加州:圣智学习.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2011). 研究方法: A Modular 方法第二届. 贝尔蒙特,加州:沃兹沃思.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2008). 研究方法: A Modular 方法. 贝尔蒙特,加州:沃兹沃思.

杰克逊,年代.L. (2012). A Concise Guide to Statistical Analyses Using Excel, SPSS, 和 the TI-84 Calculator. 贝尔蒙特,CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.


杰克逊,年代.L. & Griggs R.A. (Eds.) 2012. Teaching statistics 和 research methods: 来自高层的建议. 电子书可从 American Psychological Association's Society for the Teaching of Psychology Web site: http://teachpsych.org/resources/ebooks/stats2012/index.php

Griggs R.A. & 杰克逊,年代.L. (Eds). (2011). 心理学入门教学. 来自高层的建议. 可从学会检索的电子书 for the Teaching of Psychology Web site: http://teachpsych.org/resources/e-books/tips2011/index.php

杰克逊,年代.L.格里格斯,R.A.柯尼格,C.S.克里斯托弗,A.M. & Marek P. (2000). A compendium of introductory psychology textbooks, 1997-2000. Distributed on disk by Office of Teaching Resourches, Society for the Teaching of Psychology, APA 和 online at http://www.lemoyne.edu/OTRP/introtexts.html

杰克逊,年代.L.格里格斯,R.A.克里斯托弗,A.N., & Marek P. (1999). A compendium of introductory psychology textbooks, 1996-1999 Distributed on disk by Office of Teaching Resources, Society for the Teaching of Psychology, American Psychological Association. [Funded by an inaugural Instructional 研究奖:Sherri L. Jackson from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology.]


Griggs R. A.布莱勒,J., & 杰克逊,年代. L. (2020). Using Research Ethics as a Springboard for Teaching Milgram’s Obedience Study as a 有争议的经典. Scholarship of Teaching 和 Learning in Psychology.

Griggs R.A. & 杰克逊,年代.L. (2017). Open introductory psychology textbooks: Prose 和 qualms. 心理学教学,44,193-202.

Griggs R.A., & 杰克逊,年代.L. (2017年10月,付印). Studying open versus traditional textbook effects on students' course performance: 混淆比比皆是. 《全球赌博十大网站》,44页.

Griggs R.A. & 杰克逊,年代.L. (2013). Brief introductory psychology textbooks: An objective analysis update. 心理学教学,40,268-273.

杰克逊,年代.L. & Griggs R.A. (2013). Psych Lite: Great price, less filling Teaching of Psychology, 40, 217-221.

Griggs R.A. & 杰克逊,年代.L. (2013). Introductory psychology textbooks: An objective analysis update. 心理学教学,40,163-168.